- | Thana Bhawan, Uttar Pradesh
- is the member of legislative assembly of Uttar Pradesh from Thana Bhawan constituency. She won the elections for MLA in 2017 as a candidate of -.
Personal details
- is - years old. Her education level is -.
Wealth, profession and criminal cases
Total assets of - are -. Her profession is -.
We do not have information about criminal cases against her.
Contact details
Given below is the contact information of politician - including address, Whatsapp, phone number, email and social media accounts.
- contact details | |
Physical address: | H. No. 83, Mohalla Chaudhran,thana Bhawav Vikas Khand Thanabhawan, Shamli, Shamli |
Phone number(s): | 8765954708 |
Email address: | suresh09tbn@gmail.com |
The information provided here is obtained from the affidavit submitted by the candidate at the time of elections. If you see any incorrect data please contact us.